Crater Rim of Oldoinyo Lengai, Tanzania - 2013
Jeffrey H. Tepper, PhD
Professor Emeritus of Geology / University of Puget Sound

Jeff Tepper
Formerly (and still occasionally) at:
Geology Department
University of Puget Sound
1500 N Warner Ave.
Tacoma, WA 98416-1048
About Me
I received my A.B. in Earth Science from Dartmouth (1981) and my M.S. (1985) and PhD (1991) in Geology from the University of Washington. Following a six-year stint at Valdosta State, I moved to Puget Sound in 2001 where I was the 'hard rock' geologist / geochemist until I retired in May 2021. My research generally involved a combinations of field work and lab work; major themes included the magmatic and tectonic evolution of the Pacific Northwest (particularly the Eocene "Challis Event" and the Cascade Arc) and the geochemistry of water and sediment in local Lakes. In my new 'Professor Emeritus' status I am writing up research that I never had to time to publish while I was teaching, continuing to work in the Cascades (I'm currently studying some adakites near Wenatchee), providing scientific advice to property owners at local lakes on the use of zero valent iron (ZVI) to mitigate hazardous algal blooms, and spending more time in my woodworking shop.